Friday, May 17, 2013

Packing Tips

As I mentioned before my husband and I bought a house! So this means the packing and moving process begins. I want to make it as smooth as possible so I have come up with some tips. 

Write it down

Make a schedule. We both work full time so to come home after a full day of work and pack is not happening. This means we only have weekends to pack which limits our available days to get it all done. Planning out ahead of time is key. 

We only have 6 weeks from Saturday till we move (eeppp!) so I have broken each area or room down to a weekend making the spaces we used most last. 

Purge then Pack

DONT.PACK.JUNK. In this process I refuse to pack junk. Use the rule "have you used it in the last 6 months". If not its out of here.

Label everything

On moving day you want to make sure your boxes are clearly labeled so the people that are helping you know where the box goes or whats in the box... fragile. Another point when it comes to labeling  make sure not only your box is clearly marked but the room to where the box is going to go should be clearly marked. It maybe obvious that "kitchen" boxes go to the kitchen but what about the bedrooms? My plan is to have the bedrooms labeled 1,2 and 3 as well as the corresponding box. That way there is no guessing and makes it easy on everyone.

What are some tips you have when it comes to pick up your whole life and relocating? I have only done it a few times in my life so I am not an expert and would love to here some suggestions!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Coming Soon

Look what I have been up to lately! I have a super duper exciting announcement coming your way soon! Until now here are some sneak peek pictures to hold you over.

ps: after proof reading this lovely post it sounds like I am prego but that is a negative...sorry to get your hopes up.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Boy Do I Have News For You!

...We bought a house! We are officially in contract! After several weeks of looking and a week of inspections we are hopefully (fingers crossed) done with that part of the process for a long while! Now we are looking forward to signing our life away and having cramped hands at closing. 

We are beyond excited yet slightly stressed at the same time. There are a lot of thing we don't know about owning your own home yet so it will be an adventure for sure! 

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